Siri VS Android: chi ha il miglior riconoscimento vocale?

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Rory Cellan-Jones, corrispondente tecnologico per la BBC, ha messo alla prova Siri e il sistema di riconoscimento vocale integrato nel Samsung Galaxy Tab tramite Android per scoprire quale dei due sistemi era in grado di interpretare meglio il testo dettato. Il risultato è nettamente in favore di Siri. Il testo letto da Cellan-Jones era il seguente:

It’s a challenge that has occupied scientists for decades and promised huge fortunes to anyone who could solve it. I’m talking about speech recognition, back in the news because it is one of the most significant features of Apple’s latest phone. Will it remain an amusing party-trick – or become the key way in which we communicate with computers?

Siri lo ha trascritto così:

It’s a challenge that has occupied scientists the decade and promised huge fortunes to anyone who could solve it stop I’m talking about speech recognition back in the news because it is one of the most significant features of Apples latest phone STOCK will it remain unamusing party trick or become McKee way in which we communicate with COMPUTERS?

Mentre il Galaxy Tab ha fatto giusto “qualche errore” in più:

If I started the decade and poets 14th avenue and hope It stops on Interstate recognItIon back In the news because It’s 1 of the most signIant pIctures of apples latest phone got the wIll remaIn In the musIc of the trIck or become a keyway computers.

via | Cult of Mac

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